Toujours depuis notre résidence secondaire, nous avons visité
Juraparc, où on a vu ces petits oursons mignons.

During our second holidays, I also went to visit
Juraparc with the girls, where we spent a long time watching the baby bears.

Puis des loups aussi. J'étais bien content que ce ne soit pas trop cher, parce qu'on a vite fait de faire le tour, et en plus le lynx se cachait et les chevaux de
Prewtyrhfx étaient bien cachés aussi. Et il pleuvait. Et c'est seulement après-coup que j'ai appris qu'il y avait des louveteaux qu'on a aussi loupé.

And not so long watching the wolves, given that they were just sleeping. I was quite glad that it wasn't too expensive, given that it didn't last that long, and the lynx was hiding so we didn't see it at all, and the
Preztyewe horses were difficult to find, and it was raining. And I only learnt afterwards that there were wolf cubs (that we also failed to spot).

En fait, le point fort de la sortie était le pique nique depuis le coffre de la voiture!

Actually, the best bit of the outing as far as the girls were concerned was having a car boot picnic!.
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