Départ pour la fête de famille en Angleterre. Les filles m'ont cherché au boulot, on a mangé ensemble puis parti pour l'aéroport. Pour la première fois on a tenté l'expérience 'parking valet' (easy-park.ch, ça a très bien fonctionné). Les filles se sont disputé pour savoir qui aurait droit de tirer les valises. Et on a pris un petit jus (hors de prix) dans le restaurant 'Altitude' en attendant l'avion.

Our trip to the UK for the family 'do'. The girls game and got me from work and we had lunch together at the 'Coop'. Then we drove to the airport where we tried the valet parking service for the first time (reasonably priced, impeccable timing). The girls fought over being allowed to pull the suitcases.
We had a quick (and horribly expensive) drink in the 'Altitude' bar before going to the plane.
Rest of the trip (two trains & short car trip) was uneventful. Happy to say that both girls now travel pretty well.
1 comment yet :
I've not tried valet parking, maybe I will now! I always feel like I'm never going to see my car agan, maybe I've watched too many films like 'Go' where they steal the car like this ;-) So lovely that you're getting a holiday in England, keep us up to date with how your trip continues.
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