C'était (comme toujours) très intéressant, ça nous remet en question, mais je pense surtout que ça nous fera avancé et que peut-être qu'un jour ça nous aidera à aider d'autres. C'est que se marier c'est plus facile que rester marié :)
Citation de la journée :
"l'apôtre Paul dit aux femmes de respecter leur maris - sachez, femmes, que vos hommes ont besoin de plus de respect qu'ils ne méritent."
"Il dit aux hommes d'aimer leurs femmes; sachez que vos femmes ont besoin de plus d'amour qu'elles ne méritent !"
"C'est grâce au respect de sa femme que l'homme se construit, et c'est grâce à l'amour de son mari que la femme se construit."

It was very interesting, and we came away with lots of things to think about, and some internal reorganisation to do. I hope it will help us to 'grow up' as a couple, and maybe go on to help others some day. Getting married is easier than staying married!
My quote for the day:
"The apostle Paul tells wives to respect their husbands. Ladies, your husbands need more respect than they deserve."(Not too satisfied with the translation of that last sentence, hope it's understandable)
"... and he tells men to love their wives. Men, your wives need more love than they deserve!"
"It is a women's respect for her husband that helps to build him up. And it's a man's love for his wife that helps to build her up."
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