Dommage, parce que j'avais une jolie photo, que vous devriez attendre.
En attendant, voilà les solutions pour les quatres photos mystère des dernières semaines, dans l'ordre :
1) Un gros plan sur mon jean
2) Un gros plan sur le bracelet de ma montre
3) L'intérieur d'un abat jour, vu d'en bas
4) Le soleil à travers une vieille vitre, qui brille sur le cadre de la fenêtre.
Maintenant 'faudra que je pars à la recherche d'autres énigmes...

Seems there were problems with blogger yesterday, I couldn't connect to the server, even though I was ready and motivated to provide your daily fix.
It's a shame, 'cos I had a nice photo for you, it'll have to wait.
In the meantime, here are the answers to the mystery photos of the past few weeks:
1) Close-up of my jeans
2) Close-up of watch strap
3) Inside of a light-shade seen from below
4) Sunlight shining through an old window onto the green window frame.
Now I'll have to go and look for some new photos for you...
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