C'est vrai que pour l'instant, elle met tous les doigts que sa bouche peut contenir, mais le tri est en train de se faire, et on dirait que la tendance serait l'index de la main gauche.
Evidemment Mamma et Daddy sont tout fier de leur petite génie, qui de surcroit s'est comporté comme un ange pendant ce week-end où nous avons passé beaucoup de temps assis à écouter/discuter pour nos cours.
Il a fait chaud ici aujourd'hui. Le contraste avec la neige d'il y a deux semaines est vraiment incroyable.

We are very pleased to announce that Friday, Kalia discovered her fingers and hands, and spent the rest of the day rubbing them together a bit like Ebenezer Scrooge! She's now mastering the fine art of getting some of them into her mouth. She started out putting ALL of them in her mouth, but she's wittling down the choice, and it looks like her left index finger may win.
We are very proud, and very pleased too - the dummy's days are numbered!
She was extraordinarily good this weekend - we must have spent about 10 hours in all, sitting down listening or discussing our course. She obviously slept and fed in that time, but also spent impressive stretches sitting there 'following' the discussion.
I'm also very pleased because she talks to me a LOT. I still don't understand a great deal, but I feel very honoured.
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