Ca fait un moment que je n'ai pas dit grandes choses sur Kalia et son monde. Il faut dire que après deux semaines de quasi-stabilité où elle dormait comme une grande dans son berceau, on vit une nette régression ces dernières semaines. Ca nous arrangerait de pouvoir dire que c'est notre voyage en Italie, mais ça a commencé avant.
On ne sait pas trop comment aborder tout ça - on n'a plus l'énergie de lire tous ces livres qu'on a acheté ! Pour l'instant on y va à l'intuition (féminine pour la plupart), on attendant une visite chez 'la dame qui sait' (pédiatre).
On a des amis qui viennent en vacances chez nous ce week-end - je ne suis pas sûr qu'ils se rendent compte de ce qui leur attend !

I haven't talked about Kalia and her universe for quite a while: After a couple of weeks where things seemed to be going well - sleeping in her own cot etc, there seems to be a slight regression over the past few weeks. It would be nice to be able to blame it on our trip to Italy, but it started beforehand.
We're not too sure how to handle it, haven't got the energy to trawl through all those books we bought! At the moment we're winging it on intuition (feminine, mostly), pending our next visit to the lady who knows (pediatrician).
We have friends coming to stay for a 'holiday' this weekend; I wonder whether they realise what they've let themselves in for!
(Little plug here for Make Poverty History. I know I've already mentioned it, but I would really encourage you to sign up and do what little they ask. I don't know whether they'll be able to pull it off, but they've certainly managed to line up a lot of big names, so hopefully at least they'll get noticed. I personally think that world poverty is THE issue of our time, and that our descendants will look back on our passivity on this issue, the way we look back on our forefathers complacency over slavery)
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