J'ai pensé vous expliquer brièvement ce que signifie 'blog' et à quoi ça sert :
'Blog' est un raccourci de weblog - qui signifie journal du web - d'ailleurs l'équivalent 'officiel' en français est jouéb. C'ést un site web personnel, mais avec deux différences importantes.
- La première est qu'en général, le 'bloggeur' n'a pas du tout besoin de s'impliquer dans le côté technique - il écrit et c'est tout.
- Le deuxième différence est que c'est prévu pour être mis à jour régulièrement et facile à lire. C'est pour cette raison que les entrées sont affichées en ordre inverse - ainsi la dernière est toujours en premier, et donc facile à trouver pour ceux qui viennent consulter.
En faite, on en fait ce que l'on veut.
C'est simple, il suffit de suivre ce lien. Mais soyez avertis... après il faut tenir !

Got to thinking about original sin, after the discussion about babies crying. I've been wondering whether it's genetically or socially 'transmitted'.
You could say that it doesn't make much difference, but I think it does. If sin were genetic, that would suggest that it is part of the essence of humanity, whereas if it is social it is something 'added on'. As I see it, when God first created mankind, he did a good job; it was afterwards that things went pear (apple?) shaped. So that would tie in with the 'social' version.
And of course, doing away with the 'genetic' theory would short circuit all the 'immaculate conception' stuff.
[Little educational digression required here: the doctrine of the immaculate conception is NOT that Mary hadn't had sex in order to conceive (that's the Virgin birth), but that she herself must have been conceived without sin, otherwise she would have 'transmitted' it to Jesus]
One of my own objections was 'but what about feral children?' (think Mowgli) - they couldn't have 'caught' sin off anybody. But I wonder just how human a child bought up with no human contact really is? So the question digs deeper - is humanity genetically or socially transmitted? And how do we define humanity?
Hmm, need to do some more thinking...
For those of you who are not into this kind of theological musing, this discussion must seem about as relevant as asking if there are little green men on Mars. Well, I'd just like to point out that that question (or one very similar) has seen billions of dollars spent over the last few years (think of SETI and NASA).
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