La semaine passée, j'ai eu l'énorme privilège de faire un peu "d'école" avec Kalia. On a joué au magasin. Elle était toute surprise: "c'est comme jouer!"

Last week I made the most of the long weekend and did a bit of 'school' with Kalia. We played at shopping. She was very surprised: "it's like a game!". She had great fun with the dialogue, as each 'customer' spoke a different language.

Ici un début de nombres au carré...

I got her counting the number of squares in some 'square' numbers. Not sure what the aim was, except to give a her 'feel' for numbers and patterns of numbers.

Après, sortie détente.

The weather wasn't great (after an almost cloudless March, the grue of Easter weekend was a shock to the system!), but we went out anyway.
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