Dernière de la série Salon de l'Auto 2012, voilà une voiture toute nue.

A few odds and sods to round off this years series of posts about the car show. Here is a car in the nude.

Et voilà un 'pickup' qui peut se raitraicir, pas encore un transformer, mais presque!

And this is a cute little 'pick-up' which can squish up to have no boot (the back moves forward).

Un monsieur exposé ses créations à partir de éléments d'auto provenant de casses.

Some chap had an exhibition of his junk-yard creations. Very ingenious, but I wouldn't put one in my sitting room (and this was one of the most aesthetic ones).

Peut-être le plus intéressant de tout le salon: deux employés de Citroën qui montraient comment ils font les revêtements en cuir.

Probably the most interesting bit of the whole show: two people from Citroen showing how they sew the leather onto seats, dashboards and steering wheels.
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