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Thursday, December 01, 2011

Goosebumps ... Chair de poule

Depuis plusieurs années j'assiste avec plaisir à la soirée de chants de Noël à l'église Anglicane à Vevey.

Cette année, je me suis enfin décidé à faire parti de la chorale, et lundi c'était ma première répétition.

Voilà un des chants qu'on va interprêter.

J'espère juste que j'arrive à chanter tous ces merveilleux cantiques sans me mettre à pleurer !
Having sung along happily at the local Anglican (yes, here in Switzerland) church's annual carols service for the last few years, I've finally got my act together and decided to be part of the choir this year. I missed the first two rehearsals, so Monday evening was my first time.

This is one of the carols we're singing.

I'm hoping I'm going to be able to make it through the whole service without blubbing!

*(Music buffs may have fun trying to work out what the time signature is)*

1 comment yet :

Viv Simkins said...

are you going to wear a 'dress' too? I'm singing in a choir tomorrow but the butterflies aren't happy about it.