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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Boat ... Bâteau

Je suis assez fier de cette photo. J'ai eu l'idée de me mettre le plus près possible de l'eau, presque avec l'appareil dedans.

Et ça donne bien, je trouve.

I'm quite pleased with this photo. I experimented with getting the camera as low as possible, almost in the water.

Quite pleased with the result.

1 comment yet :

Anonymous said...

Pretty good depth of field for a compact on automatic(?) If your camera allows it, in a similar situation next time try closing aperture down to f22 (rather than f7.2) and it would be even sharper. There would be enough latitude in these conditions for the shutter speed to be much lower. Also a polarising filter would cause the stones to show up. You can get away with just holding the filter in front of the lens, even with a compact!