(Ce n'est plus un bébé, notre Kalia !).
Avez-vous reçu par mail le gros pavé qui explique que la grippe porcine était fabriqué par l'OMS (et Bill Gates, et Georges Soros, et les services secrets allemands, oh, et les groupes pharmaceutiques aussi), pour réduire la population mondiale devenue trop grosse ?
Je ne vais pas attirer les moustiques ici en disputant ces théories, mais ça m'a donné à réfléchir ces derniers jours. Je suis aussi assez friand de théories de complots, mais pourquoi ?
C'est clair que ces trucs se nourrissent de nos peurs inconscientes, de notre peur de l'inconnu, du non-maitrisé.
En occident on vit dans une illusion permanente de contrôle, de toute puissance, de maitrise de toutes les éventualités. On ne connait ni la faim, ni le froid. La maladie est maitrisé - sauf les maladies dont on évite de parler. Et puis la mort on ne la voit plus, puisque c'est un tabou.
Puis ce qui est magnifique avec une théorie de complot est que ça ne te demande rien du tout. C'est la faute à quelqu'un d'autre, tu n'y peux rien, tu peux juste t'inquiéter un peu, discuter à non plus finir, puis continuer ton petit bonhomme de chemin. Quelque part il y a des personnes très méchantes, et hyper intelligents, qui arrivent à garder des secrets énormes sans que personne ne le sache. Mais tout cela on n'y peut rien.
Mais si on réfléchit un moment à notre propre expérience. Combien de très méchantes personnes vous avez connues - qui sont aussi très intelligentes et capables de garder un gros secret ?
Et combien de personnes égoïstes, cupides, bêtes et incapables de garder un secret ?
Vous voyez où je veux en venir. Statistiquement, il y a plus de chances que le monde va mal à cause de la stupidité, cupidité et l'orgueil de tout le monde, qu'à cause de quelques élites omniscients et omnipotents.
Bien sûr, si on commence à parler de cupidité et d'égoïsme, on se rendra très vite compte qu'on fait aussi parti du problème, et qu'il y a quelque chose qu'on peut faire.
(She's not a baby anymore, our Kalia!)
Have you seen that epic email explaining how swine flu was actually created by the WHO (in collusion with Bill Gates, George Soros, the German secret services, and the pharmaceuticals), to reduce world population?
I won't draw out the trolls here by refuting those theories, but it's given me food for thought over the last few days. I'm generally a bit of a sucker for a good conspiracy theory, but why do we fall for them?
They obviously feed on our unconcious fears, our fear of the unknown, of losing control.
The thing is, here in the West, we live under the permanent illusion that everything is under control, the we are masters of our destiny. We know neither hunger, nor cold. All our illnesses can be healed (except the ones we prefer not to talk about). And death is not a problem, because we never see it, as it's the new taboo.
And what is wonderful about conspiracy theories is that you don't have to do anything. It's all someone else's fault, you can't do anything about it, just worry a bit, theorise endlessly, and carry on your comfy little life. Somewhere out there, there are very evil people, who are exceedingly clever, and manage to keep continent-sized secrets for a very long time. But we are powerless.
But think about it a bit, how many people have you met who are very evil, exceedingly clever, and able to keep a secret?
And how many people have you met who are selfish, greedy or stupid, and unable to keep a secret?
You see what I'm getting at, I think. Statistically, it would seem that it is much more likely that if things are going badly in this world, it's because of everyone's stupidity, cupidity and pride, and not some all-seeing, all-knowing elite.
Obviously, if you start down that line of thinking, you won't get very far before realising that there maybe something you can do about it after all...
Have you seen that epic email explaining how swine flu was actually created by the WHO (in collusion with Bill Gates, George Soros, the German secret services, and the pharmaceuticals), to reduce world population?
I won't draw out the trolls here by refuting those theories, but it's given me food for thought over the last few days. I'm generally a bit of a sucker for a good conspiracy theory, but why do we fall for them?
They obviously feed on our unconcious fears, our fear of the unknown, of losing control.
The thing is, here in the West, we live under the permanent illusion that everything is under control, the we are masters of our destiny. We know neither hunger, nor cold. All our illnesses can be healed (except the ones we prefer not to talk about). And death is not a problem, because we never see it, as it's the new taboo.
And what is wonderful about conspiracy theories is that you don't have to do anything. It's all someone else's fault, you can't do anything about it, just worry a bit, theorise endlessly, and carry on your comfy little life. Somewhere out there, there are very evil people, who are exceedingly clever, and manage to keep continent-sized secrets for a very long time. But we are powerless.
But think about it a bit, how many people have you met who are very evil, exceedingly clever, and able to keep a secret?
And how many people have you met who are selfish, greedy or stupid, and unable to keep a secret?
You see what I'm getting at, I think. Statistically, it would seem that it is much more likely that if things are going badly in this world, it's because of everyone's stupidity, cupidity and pride, and not some all-seeing, all-knowing elite.
Obviously, if you start down that line of thinking, you won't get very far before realising that there maybe something you can do about it after all...
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