Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer que dimanche soir, Kalia a fait caca dans le pot. De son propre initiative elle a pris le pot, s'est caché dans un coin, puis est venu me présenter son exploit.
Cela fait plusieurs mois qu'elle s'intéresse de près aux toilettes, mais tout d'un coup elle s'est rendu compte du côté pratique du pot - c'est qu'elle peut le prendre avec, et vaquer à ses activités.
Ceux qui sont parents comprendront.

We are proud to announce that on Sunday evening, Kalia did her first poo in the potty, on her own initiative. She went and got the potty, hid herself away and then came and presented me with her achievement.
She's been very interested in the toilet for the last few months, but all of a sudden she's realised that the potty has one major advantage - which is that you can take it with you, and carry on playing.
We're not in Africa, but Kalia does spend quite a lot of her days starkers (as per photo above), and has been doing occasional wees on toilet and potty for a while now. She is quite good, because even when she has an accident, she tends to realise straight away, tell us, show us where, and even save 'the rest' for the appropriate recipient.
2 comments yet :
I'm a bit worried about that photo. Just what is she playing with in the sink?
Nothing unmentionable - I think it's the tea set that Daniel & Libby sent her for Christmas (a great hit).
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