(Ciel rouge sur le Chablais)

Ca ne coûte rien, il n'y a pas de login et mot de passe à retenir. Je ne connais pas leur 'business model', mais techniquement ils sont forts.
Un autre site de photo (que je n'ai pas essayé) qui est intéressant c'est SmugMug, c'est un site de stockage/publication/développement des photos. Ce qu'ils ont d'intéressant c'est qu'ils vont complètement à l'encontre du 'tout gratuit mais on vous noie dans la pub' qui est la norme actuel sur internet (et ailleurs). Chez eux c'est payant, et il n'y a pas de pub.
Dernière petite découverte (un peu plus technique celle-ci) c'est YubNub (oui, tous ces sites ont des noms barbares). C'est assez malin comme site. On peut y taper des commandes (par exemple, mais pas seulement) de recherche, mais pas seulement sur Google. Ainsi g voiture enverra sur une recherche de voitures sur Google. Mais am voiture cherche sur Amazon, et gim voiture cherche dans les images Google. Et ainsi de suite. Un autre exemple : ucc 1000 CHF EUR (je vous laisse deviner). Ce qu'il y a d'intrigant c'est qu'on peut créer soi-même des commandes. (Je n'en ai pas encore fait, mais j'y réfléchis)
//Autre sujet. J'ai reçu par mon chef des compliments de la directrice des RH pour mon blog ! Elle aurait appris son existence par Google Alerts. J'en déduis deux choses : qu'elle est bien 'branchée' pour savoir que les blogs existent et pour s'en inquiéter. Et qu'elle a usé d'un doigté très sympathique pour m'avertir de mon nouveau lectorat. Dans les deux cas je suis impressionné, et ça me reconfirme dans mon idée que je suis bien tombé!
(Red sky in the morning)
I think this site is amazing : http://pixenate.com/ - you don't need to install a photo editor on your computer any more, you can just upload your photo to internet, and edit it there.
It costs nothing, there's no login, and no password to remember. I don't know what their business model is, but the technology is impressive!
Another interesting site (which I haven't tried) is SmugMug, it's a photo sharing/storage/development site. What's interesting is that they are going totally against the internet flow of 'everything is free but we drown you in ads'. With them, it costs money, but you get service from real people, and no ads.
Last one - a bit more of a techno-waller's site - is YubNub (yes, these sites all have weird names). It calls itself a 'command line for the web'. Basically, it allows you to tap in commands from one place, and go anywhere. For example g car will get you to a Google search for cars. But am voiture will look on Amazon, and gim voiture will go to Google Images. And so on. Another example : ucc 1000 CHF EUR (I'll let you guess that one). What is extra cool is that you can create your own (haven't tried yet, but you will be the first to know if I do).
//On a different front. Yesterday my immediate boss passed on the compliments of the personnel manager for my blog. She learnt of it via Google Alerts. One thing this teaches me is that she is sufficiently 'up to date' to know what a blog is (for starters), and think of monitoring them. The other thing is that she found a very subtle and kind way to inform me of my new readership (or at least, that's what I figure). In any case, I'm happy to be where I am!

It costs nothing, there's no login, and no password to remember. I don't know what their business model is, but the technology is impressive!
Another interesting site (which I haven't tried) is SmugMug, it's a photo sharing/storage/development site. What's interesting is that they are going totally against the internet flow of 'everything is free but we drown you in ads'. With them, it costs money, but you get service from real people, and no ads.
Last one - a bit more of a techno-waller's site - is YubNub (yes, these sites all have weird names). It calls itself a 'command line for the web'. Basically, it allows you to tap in commands from one place, and go anywhere. For example g car will get you to a Google search for cars. But am voiture will look on Amazon, and gim voiture will go to Google Images. And so on. Another example : ucc 1000 CHF EUR (I'll let you guess that one). What is extra cool is that you can create your own (haven't tried yet, but you will be the first to know if I do).
//On a different front. Yesterday my immediate boss passed on the compliments of the personnel manager for my blog. She learnt of it via Google Alerts. One thing this teaches me is that she is sufficiently 'up to date' to know what a blog is (for starters), and think of monitoring them. The other thing is that she found a very subtle and kind way to inform me of my new readership (or at least, that's what I figure). In any case, I'm happy to be where I am!
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