Ces derniers deux soirs on a été invité, ce qui explique l'absence de blog.
Voilà une autre énigme à laquelle je réfléchis ces jours : On entend souvent dire quelque chose du genre, "Je ne crois pas en Dieu, je ne crois que ce que je vois". Vous pensez quoi de cette réflexion, est-ce que ça tient debout ? Comment vous y répondriez ?
Je pense que j'ai trouvé la réponse qui tue, mais je vais encore mariner mon cerveau dedans quelques jours avant de la partager.

The last two evenings we were invited out, so no time for blogging.
As further proof that I'm going soft, I wanted to share this story with you, which I admit brought a tear to my eye... Seems to me that suffering is not evenly shared out in the world.
Here's another little something to chew on (as I have been recently): you often hear people say something like, "I don't believe in God, I only believe what I see". Question: Do you think this argument holds water? What would you say?
I think I've found a cool way to think this one, but I'm going to let in stew a bit before committing it to blog.
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